Bird Sightings in Messina, Sicily, Italy

June 29, 2023

For our day in Messina, we planned to visit a botanical garden near a college. After trekking through the city, visiting a cathedral and spotting the usual feral pigeons and rock doves, plus some magpies and blackbirds, we found the college gardens. Among the diverse plants present we also found a good few species of birds. European Robins, Eurasian Jays, and Winter Wrens were all present, along with the aforementioned blackbirds. We may have also glimpsed a pair of woodpeckers, but sadly couldn't get a close enough look to say for sure.

After leaving the gardens, we walked towards the outskirts of town, spotting house sparrows, Barn Swallows, and a Greenfinch along the way. We also had a small songbird and a hawk that we weren't able to identify. Despite all the birds we didn't quite end up being able to add to the official list, it was still a good day of birding.